Colombia’s Medellin regularly seen a metallic diamond-shaped UFO hovering overhead

The UFO shaped like a diamond was caught on camera over Medellin, Colombia. It definitely looks like a UFO.I’ve been looking this up for hour’s and I can’t find anything else related to this specific UFO sighting.It looks extremely similar to the Medellin …

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A concealed, 4,000-year-old flying saucer up to 50 feet down in Area 51

The crash scene serves a significant purpose for the series. The ship and its alien passenger found near the site set up a conspiracy that changes the mission of FBI agents Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) and Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson). The military is …

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Hear the latest official US UFO report’s conclusions

A Pentagon report is detailing a dramatic increase in Ufo sightings- More than 350 since 2021.. Many of them are explained as being drones, birds or weather events, But about half of them remain unexplained, And the office that tracks these sightings …

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