The man built a UFO landing site on orders from aliens

A Swiss man who claimed to have been directed by aliens to build a UFO landing site took many years to build the star-shaped structure. A UFO (unidentified flying object)…

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More clues about UFOs that shocked England in 1980

A former British Royal Air Force colonel has just published new clues about a shocking event related to UFOs that occurred in Rendlesham forest, eastern England, in the late 1980s….

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Russian billionaire spends $100 million searching for aliens

Russian billionaire Yuri Milner, one of the first people to invest in Facebook and Twitter, has just announced plans to spend $100 million to “hunt” for extraterrestrial civilizations. Bloomberg on…

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UFO appeared in a synagogue in Ukraine

A strange glowing orb appeared at a synagogue in southeastern Ukraine. The ball floated in the church grounds and disappeared soon after. Surveillance cameras recorded all the images The ball…

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US Presidents hide the truth about aliens

American Presidents are said to know very well, but were forced to cover up secret information showing the existence of aliens. Evidence is controversial “I come in peace,” US President…

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NASA will find extraterrestrial life in the next 20-30 years

Leading scientists from NASA (US Aeronautics and Space Administration) affirm that humanity is gradually moving towards discovering alien life. “We are gradually having more signs of extraterrestrial life and there…

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Never seen aliens in Japanese airspace

Alien spaceships have never violated Japanese airspace, Japan’s Defense Minister answered a question during a meeting of the Japanese Senate on April 2. During a meeting of the Japanese Senate…

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MH370 mystery: There is a theory that aliens hijacked the plane

One year since the Malaysia Airlines plane (flight MH370) carrying 239 people mysteriously disappeared after taking off from the capital Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) on March 8, 2014, a series of…

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Alien-like head discovered in ancient Chinese tomb

The project to excavate ancient tombs in China’s Jilin province has helped reveal some secrets related to beauty tricks and prove the social status of ancient people 12,000 years ago….

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A series of UFOs appeared along the British coast

A series of bright spots believed to be unidentified flying objects simultaneously appeared in the British sky. The incident has sparked many rumors about UFOs. The bright spots were seen…

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