Did you know that kiwis lay the largest eggs in relation to their body size of any bird species in the world? In fact, their eggs can weigh as much as 450 grams, which is equivalent to about 20% of the kiwi’s body weight. To put this into perspective, if humans were to have such a proportion, it would mean giving birth to a fully grown four-year-old child!
The kiwi is a flightless bird native to New Zealand and is also the country’s national symbol. They have unique features such as a long, pointed bill, and they are covered in shaggy, hair-like feathers. Kiwis are nocturnal and live in burrows or hollow logs.
Despite their fascinating characteristics, kiwis are endangered due to habitat loss, predation, and hunting. Conservation efforts have been put in place to help protect these iconic birds and ensure their survival.
It’s amazing to think about the incredible size of a kiwi’s egg and the effort required to lay it. As we marvel at the wonders of the natural world, let’s also do our part to protect and preserve it.
Check out this photo of a kiwi bird to get a glimpse of these unique creatures.