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The Japanese giant purple grapes have a rather fascinating shape. However, they are more closely related to passion fruit than to purple sweet potatoes, despite the fact that many people get the two confused. As a result of these remarkable characteristics, the price of a single enormous purple grape fruit has recently increased to approximately 500,000 Vietnamese Dong. Let’s go on an adventure with Bach Hoa Xanh to figure out what it is that makes this grape so unique.

What exactly is the Akebi Grape?

The Akebi grape, also known as “Japanese chocolate grapes,” is a unique grape variety found in the Tohoku region of Honshu, in the northern part of Japan. These plants earned the nickname “chocolate grapes” because the fragrance of their blossoms strongly resembles chocolate. Akebi grapes can be cultivated year-round and are typically harvested between five to eight months after planting. Consequently, you can often find them in Japan during the fall.

Each Akebi grape measures approximately 10–13 centimeters in length and has an oblong shape, similar to that of a mango. What distinguishes them from other grapes is the fact that they don’t grow in clusters. When they are ripe, Akebi grapes transition from a greenish color to a purple or grayish-purple hue.

The center of the fruit is milky white and as smooth as jelly, and it contains several glossy black seeds similar to those found in passion fruit. Due to their distinctive appearance and striking colors, Akebi grapes are often bought as gifts.

The vendor claims that both the flesh and the peel of fresh Akebi grapes may be consumed without any adverse effects. In which the intestines are consumed uncooked while the shells are used as a source of raw material in the preparation of recipes. Although the peel has a little bitter flavor, after it has been employed in cooking (for example, to stir-fry, mix salads, roll fried dough), the bitter flavor is no longer detectable in the dish. The Japanese also utilize the leaves to brew tea, in addition to extracting essential oils from the seeds. The seeds are also used to make tea. Additionally, Akebi grapes are ideal for use in landscaping and interior house decoration because of their adaptability.

After sampling Akebi grapes, many people have remarked that they have a flavor that is rather mild and peculiar. Some have compared their flavor to that of passion fruit, while others have noted that they also smell faintly of chocolate. This specific grape type has a high concentration of vitamin C and potassium, all of which contribute to better overall health and a more supple appearance of the skin.

The cost of an ounce of grapes, Akebi

When this unique grape with a purple hue was brought into Vietnam from another country, the price was not at all affordable. Some stores often charge around 1,450,000 VND for a carton weighing 1.5 kg of Akebi grapes. Because of how uncommon they are, in addition to the expense of transportation, the price per fruit may range anywhere from 300,000 to 400,000 Vietnamese Dong.

Because Akebi grapes are so uncommon in Japan, the price is relatively expensive for them.

The article you just read included some fascinating facts about the Akebi grape variety. When you sample this one-of-a-kind purple grape with Bach Hoa GREEN, please share your thoughts and experiences with us. We appreciate you watching!

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