Peru’s Ancient Aqueducts: Sustaining Desert Fertility Through the Ages

The Cantalloc Aqueducts are one of the most outstanding hydraulic engineering works in the world, built in the middle of the desert by the ancient Nazca culture (200 AD – 700 AD). They are located 4 kilometers north from Nazca, in the valleys of Nazca, Taruga and Las Trancas.

For over 1,700 years, the ancient aqueducts of Peru’s Nazca region have sustained life in the desert. Built by the pre-Hispanic Nazca people since the fourth century AD, these aqueducts form an intricate network that provides water to the valleys, turning barren land into fertile oases. Their engineering brilliance showcases the advanced understanding the Nazca people had of hydrology and hydraulic systems. Beyond their agricultural benefits, these aqueducts played a vital role in supporting the flourishing Nazca civilization.

The fertile lands allowed them to cultivate crops like corn, beans, and cotton, contributing to their vibrant society and remarkable cultural achievements, such as the famous Nazca Lines etched into the desert floor. Recognizing their significance, UNESCO has considered declaring the Nazca aqueducts a World Heritage Site. Preserving these ancient structures is crucial to maintain a link to our past and learn from the wisdom of these ingenious engineers. The aqueducts stand as a timeless reminder of human innovation and adaptation, showing how sustainable environments can be created even in the most challenging landscapes.

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