On the Popocatépetl Volcano, Another Mysterious Light Appeared

Once again, a mysterious light appeared above the enigmatic Popocatéptl volcano, then headed over the city of Puebla, Mexico, until it was lost behind the cameras of a well-known hotel in the area.

In the video you can clearly see the strange glow appearing  on the side of the Popocatépetl volcano. He then takes a  long journey  through much of the city, until he walks off screen.

So far no one has been able to explain what happened…

The famous ufologist and theorist,  Scott C. Waring , announced through his social networks that there is no doubt that it was an alien ship. However, further research needs to be awaited.

At present, several users have treated it as an unidentified flying object. And it is necessary to point out that it is not the first time that luminous UFOs have been captured  entering, exiting or flying around the Popocatépetl volcano.

Another mysterious glow was captured a few years ago around  the slopes of the volcano  , thanks to monitoring cameras located in the Tlamacas field.

In said video, broadcast from the same  Webcams de México account  , a flickering and intense light can be clearly seen moving during the early morning of December 11, 2021.

According to what can be seen in the recording, the glow was observed for a period of time greater than an hour, between  4:35 and 6:00 in the morning.

CONSTANT UFO ACTIVITY Due to the volcanic activity of Popocatépetl , access for people to the slopes or the volcanic crater is  strictly prohibited  , so it is impossible to investigate the event further.

8 years ago, in 2015, the same Mexico webcams and  SkyAlert announced a strange light observed on March 31st, as it crossed a fumarole  generated by volcanic activity.

There are dozens of  UFO sightings  that have been recorded to date around the Popocatépetl volcano. Cameras from government agencies, broadcasters and companies in general, as well as independent cameras from people and researchers.

Even the testimonies of expert mountaineers who claim to have seen beings over 2 meters tall walking without any protection, at more than 4,400 meters in height. Locals believe mysterious beings live in the bowels of the volcano A possible extraterrestrial base?

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