A Couple’s Trip to the Animal Shelter Leads to a Special Bond with a Visually Impaired Kitty

Choosing a pet from a shelter is difficult. There are so many cute pets waiting to be adopted and you can’t bring them all home. Elliot and Nathaniel Green know this. They recently visited an animal shelter to get a cat, but couldn’t predict what would happen next.

When Nathaniel and Elliot Green went to adopt a cat on “Free Cat Fridays” at the Lynchburg Humane Society, they hoped to find a Siamese kitten. However, there was only one, and it was kept. Elliot and Nathan are disappointed to leave empty-handed until a cat shows interest in them. They didn’t expect that a beautiful blind cat would actually choose them.


Elliot explains: “Actually it was my colleague who convinced me to join. She just adopted a cute kitten there. Browsing through their cat adoption website, Nathaniel and I set our hearts on a Siamese kitten.”

Merlin has been adopted for a while but it seems like no one wants to adopt a ʙʟɪɴᴅ cat, but he is just as beautiful as any other cat at the shelter.


Staff at the shelter explained that Merlin doesn’t really have any trouble with his surroundings, he is very chill and loves to be cuddled. When the Greens brought Merlin home, he unfortunately had some health problems, he had frequent seizures and his new parents were so worried they didn’t know what was causing them.

They did some research and found out that he was allergic to wheat. They switched to wheat-free cat food and fortunately, Merlin has been completely healthy ever since. Merlin is a very special looking kitten, its features are quite unique and this is because it belongs to a rare mixed breed called Napoleon, which is a cross between a Munchkin cat and a Persian cat.


Its owner explained: “Napoleons are quite small, but they can move around as easily as normal sized cats. For the most part, they inherited the physical features of the Persians.”

The Greens couldn’t be happier when they found Merlin, “He’s an affectionate cat who loves to be recognized and cuddled. He was also never destructive or petty,” said Elliot.


Because he was born ʙʟɪɴᴅ, he really had no concept of fear, so he would try to jump from quite high places. He didn’t hide from people – he would run to the door to meet us and climb onto the guests sitting on the couch. His favorite spot is on someone’s lap.


Merlin loves to eat watermelon, it is also Elliot’s favorite food, so this is a regular dish for both of them. Merlin has lived with the Greens for over two years now and they all love their lives.

Over time, the blind cat proved to be an incredible source of joy and inspiration for the couple. They witnessed its resilience, adaptability, and unwavering trust, which served as a powerful reminder of the strength and beauty found in overcoming challenges.

This heartwarming story not only highlights the unconditional love and companionship that pets can bring into our lives but also emphasizes the profound impact that animals, even those with special needs, can have on us. The couple’s decision to be chosen by the blind cat opened their hearts to a unique and fulfilling journey of love, care, and mutual understanding.

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