A concealed, 4,000-year-old flying saucer up to 50 feet down in Area 51

The crash scene serves a significant purpose for the series. The ship and its alien passenger found near the site set up a conspiracy that changes the mission of FBI agents Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) and Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson).

The military is re-creating alien technology with the goal of using it for a military takeover of the government. It uses all the privileges afforded by the Patriot Act, the NSA, and Homeland Security to monitor everyone’s conversations and destroys anything and anyone in its path to overthrowing the government.

Fox’s marketing department “crashed” a replica of the saucer into Los Angeles’ Grove shopping center on Friday.


The most famous secret military facility to the general public is the so-called Area 51 in the Mojave Desert in Nevada . According to the world general legend, it is a kind of office for meetings of the US military with aliens, which, in fact, is very unlikely.

The Pentagon undoubtedly has such offices, but even the top generals of this department do not know about them, and Area 51 is just one of the sites to which, for some reason, they were allowed to attract everyone’s attention.


Nevertheless, Area 51 cannot be called completely uninteresting, since very unusual aircraft are indeed observed there from time to time – from the secret TR-3B to the promising F-117, which were first seen there (more precisely, shadows from these aircraft were discovered , partially extended from the hangars, which appear in the video below):

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