New Evidence Sparks Debate: Did Ancient Sumerians Get Astronomy Knowledge from Aliens?

In 4000 BC, after the agricultural revolution spread from the northern edge of the Fertile Crescent, Stone Age farmers began farming, forming humanity’s first civilization.

Many evidences show that Sumerian civilization received astronomical knowledge from aliens

Sumer was an ancient civilization and also a historical region in southern Mesopotamia, which is present-day Iraq. (Photo: Wikipedia)

Although the rainfall on this vast plain is insufficient to support agriculture, the eastern region is watered by the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Babylon is a famous city-state of ancient Mesopotamia (Greek meaning “land between rivers”), located in the downstream plain, where two rivers almost converge. Babylon in turn expanded into two areas: Akkad in the north and Sumer, the delta of this river system in the south.

The period from 3500 to 3100 BC laid the foundation for a type of economic and social order that was markedly different from what was known before. This extremely complex culture, which is based on urban centers, not small village units, is also what makes us think of the existence of a civilization.

Many evidences show that Sumerian civilization received astronomical knowledge from aliens

Babylon in turn expanded into two areas: Akkad in the north and Sumer, the delta of the Tigris and Euphrates river systems in the south. (Photo: Wikipedia)

The word Mesopotamia, although literally meaning “land between rivers,” is often used to refer to all the land between and on either side of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.

By 3100 BC, Sumer’s population had grown to equal the number of people living in cities, even growing beyond the norm of civilization. The earliest evidence includes writings that appeared in the early stages of Sumerian civilization, up to about 28 BC, also known as the Protoliterate period.

All Sumerian cities worshiped a number of gods, including Anu, the god of the sky, Enlil, lord of the spirit world, and Ishtar, the god of Venus, the morning star. east) and the evening star (west).

Many evidences show that Sumerian civilization received astronomical knowledge from aliens

Statues of some of the gods that the Sumerians worshiped. (Photo: Pinterest)

By the 23rd century BC, Sumerian power had weakened to the point that they could not defend themselves against foreign invaders. The Semitic ruler was the great Sargon I (reigned c. 2335-2279 BC), who successfully conquered the entire kingdom. Sargon founded a new capital, Agade, at the northern tip of Sumer, and turned it into the richest and most powerful city in the world. The people of northern Sumer and the invaders gradually merged ethnically and linguistically to create the Akkadian population. The land of New Sumer was a harmony between ancient Sumer and Akkad.

Sumerian culture in 4000 BC is the most ancient culture on Earth. Even today, we still use the same mathematical, calendar, and time systems as they did.

The Sumerians were able to measure the distances between stars very accurately. Ancient Sumerian texts point to a large planet crashing into Earth (“Tiamat”) causing our Earth to move into its present orbit, and forming the Moon and the asteroid belt. In his book The Twelfth Planet and The Cosmic Code, Zecharia Sitchin outlines the “battle of the sky,” which in Babylonian was Enuma elish. The planet named “Marduk” (according to the Sumerians “Nibiru”), entered the solar system in a clockwise ellipse, crashing into the planet Tiamat, which was moving in the opposite orbit.

Many evidences show that Sumerian civilization received astronomical knowledge from aliens

Illustration of the orbit of the planet “Marduk” (according to the Sumerians “Nibiru”), entering the solar system in an elliptical clockwise direction. (Photo: Pinterest)

The Sumerians said that they inherited their knowledge from the gods, who were beings who descended to Earth.

According to Zecharia Sitchin, the Sumerians had in-depth astronomical knowledge about the planets in our solar system. According to the Sumerians, they received this knowledge from a race of aliens called the Anunnaki (in Sumerian texts, they were “men from heaven”; the Egyptians referred to the Neter, an ancient civilization). coming from the 10th planet in our solar system) who is a god in Sumerian – Mesopotamian mythology.

In the upper left corner of a bas-relief, Sitchin argues, one sees the Sun being orbited by 11 other Spheres. Since the ancients (including the Sumerians) believed that the Sun and Moon were “planets”, 11 Spheres plus the Sun would make 12 planets. Another passage of this book also claims that the Sumerians knew of a planet beyond Pluto.

Many evidences show that Sumerian civilization received astronomical knowledge from aliens

In the upper left corner of a bas-relief, one sees the Sun orbited by 11 other Spheres, and an extrasolar planet known as “Nibiru”. (Photo: Pinterest)

This additional planet was considered Nibiru by Sitchin, a celestial body mentioned in Mesopotamian texts. According to the details given by Sitchin, every 3600 years Nibiru will pass through our solar system, and so some people believe in Sitchin’s theory that Nibiru will return soon, and this planet also has a Another name is “Planet X”.

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